Buddhism For Schools
Buddhism For Schools



Experiential Workshops on Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism

 All Key Stages, EYFS & Special Needs Schools


"What we learn with pleaseure, we will never forget."

Charles Mercier 1851 - 1919


 'Helping you to Achieve the SMSC Quality Mark for

Primary and Secondary Schools'




All BHS workshops are covered by Public Liability Insurance PSC 10003367221/00


Teaching Buddhism:


At BHS Educational Workshops we provide Primary and Secondary schools authentic and dynamic presentations on Eastern RE.  The introduction of the topic of Buddhism Mindfulness in the classroom has revolutionised the teaching experience for staff in many schools in UK.


Each workshop is staffed by male and female teachers.  We guarantee your establishment the highest quality lessons and presentations.  BHS will provide your staff with a solid foundation for your chosen Indic R.E. subjects.


Best wishes,


Sakhya Prema.



Book Your Spring Workshop by February 5th and SAVE!



Interactive Workshops:

Each module is fully interactive for secondary, primary, SEN and early years children. Workshops are structured so that pupils and teaching staff are encouraged to take part in all the learning activities.  As seen in the slide show below; as well as basic theolgy.  Workshops can include up to fourteen multi-themed activities such as Hinduism, SIkhism, Mindfulness, Meditation, Hindu Festivals, Buddhist Festivals, Sikh Festivals, Indian Vegetarian Food, Nutrition, Indian Music, Indian Dance, Henna Body Art and Learning Games for the younger children.  The choice is yours!




OFSTED - SMSC Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development:


How will Ofsted grade it in your school?


An 'outstanding' school will have a 'thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development'.

An 'inadequate' school will have 'serious weaknesses in the overall promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development'.


A Typical Buddhism Workshop Will Consist Of The Following:


  • Children dressing up in exotic and majestic costumes;

  • Children acting out the story of Lord Buddha (under our guidance)
  • The purpose of a Buddhist Temple
  • Children get to experience the use of conchshells, gongs, singing bowls, bells, drums and other Buddhist artefacts
  • A full display of a Buddhist temple and Deities in the school
  • What am I and who am I game
  • Buddhism shrine at home
  • Learning how a lama/bhikku (Buddhist monk) lives
  • Story Telling and dramatic arts
  • The four noble truths and eightfold path
  • Special Wesak festival dance
  • Sacred Cow, non violence and vegetarianism  
  • Hand and face painting using hypoallergenic paint



Book Your Workshop:

Take advantage of our services by Contacting Us and we'll be more than happy to talk to you about any of your R.E. and multicultural educational needs.  We also present workshops on Hinduism and Sikhism, MulticulturalismCritical ThinkingNutrition and Henna Art.


Buddhsim For Everyone:

BHS's R.E. presentations are becoming more popular in UK and Irish schools from Early Years and Primary up to Sixth Form. We also visit Cubs, Brownies and Scout clubs to enable children to get their extra badges on World Faiths etc.


Visit www.funlearningworkshops.com for more info about other BHS R.E. subjects.



What the Teachers Say...


"Hi Sakhya,

"Thank you so much to both of you today for such fantastic, inspiring Buddhism workshops this morning.  Our classes and the staff have absolutely loved them and said how great/inspiring you were.  We will definitely be booking in with you again for our faith week next year. Thank you for such a great experience - much appreciated."
Sanah Rasool
Reginald Mitchell Primary School.







A Typical Buddhism Workshop:

Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education


We highlight multiculturalism within each module by identifying pupils from different ethnic backgrounds and their countries, languages etc.  BHS workshop content touches upon cleanliness, anti-bullying awareness, healthy eating and poisitve social intergration.



A BHS educational workshop will also focus on improving the children's understanding of their own values and cultural understanding.  Our talented staff's multicultural and multi-lingual skills are fully utilised in each lesson, showing how apparently diverse cultures can actually compliment one another.  This naturally helps to create a stronger foundation for teachers to improve relations between the pupils.



You are visitor number:

On a tight budget this Spring?


Can't afford the coach to visit a Temple, Mandir or Gurudwara?


BHS can bring it to you instead!


Too much risk assessment, pupil letters and other logistics to deal with?


Why not have our Virtual Visit to your school and cut your costs by up to 80%, save headaches, letter writing and reduce the risks!

"The prime purpose in this life is to help others.  If we can't help them, at least don't hurt them!"

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All rights reserved by BHS Fun Learning Interactive Workshops - Public Liability No: PL-PSC10003367221/00