Buddhism For Schools
Buddhism For Schools

Buddhism KS3 & KS4 Modules

We are always keen to visit secondary schools in any part of UK and Ireland.  If you are teaching in a secondary school and would like to initiate Eastern R.E. lessons, a BHS workshop will be very effective in creating a solid base interest for your students.   


Other R.E. Subects

For modules on more topics please visit our main website www.funlearningworkshops.com



Workshop Capacity:

The average attendance for a whole day workshop is just over 220 students, though we can stretch up to 400 but with lesser interactive activities in shorter sessions.


GSCE and A-Level Lessons

A variety of presentation formats is available to complement the studies of your students. We are never too old for experiential learning and many secondary teachers prefer modules for their students that support lecture and discussion with interactive cultural experiences.


Alternatively, some settings require a focused lecture format with standard question and answers.  In either case, we are able to facilitate any topic event you may have in mind, from general introductory workshops to GCSE and A-Level to inter-faith conferences.



Hearing a lecture based upon critical thinking invokes many questions. A BHS speaker always encourages more difficult challlenging questions.  In this way, a more thorough under-standing of the subject can be achieved.



      Temple           Displays

The above R.E. display shows up to three topics. We can present one R.E. subject at a time or all of them sumultaneously. How-ever, it is better to teach one subject in a lesson as we can focus on the set of beliefs and prac-tices to a much greater degree.  



    Dressing Up

Even though secondary students are more self conscious, they still enjoy getting dressed up as characters from historical  episodes that took place hundreds and thousands of years ago. These two GSCE girls were having a ball dressed as Hindu goddesess.






Critical Thinking Module:

This Secondary school session is also known as Nyaya (method of thinking),  which is comprised of three elements:

1.  Curiosity: (Jijnasu), an inherent nature common to humans and even to the lower species.  This natural phenomena is ultimately meant to lead one to research into the purpose of existence.  Athato brahma jijnasa, "Now (that I am a human), is time to enquire into the Absolute Truth".  (Vedanta Sutra 1.1)

2.  Skeptisism: (Pariprashna), having a healthy questioning attitude and not blindly believing everything everyone tells you.  This part of the lesson teaches us how there is a difference between submissive questioningand egotistic challenging. This is an art which is tempered by the third element.

3.  Humility: (Dhainya), is the key too unlocking the door of understanding things as they are, rather than as we interpret them to be through the fickle mind and imperfect senses.  The Vedic antonym of humility is 'Atmavan manyate jagat' - 'One sees all other like oneself'.

On a tight budget this Autumn?


Can't afford the coach to visit a Temple, Mandir or Gurudwara?


BHS can bring it to you instead!


Too much risk assessment, pupil letters and other logistics to deal with?


Why not have our Virtual Visit to your school and cut your costs by up to 80%, save headaches, letter writing and reduce the risks!

"The prime purpose in this life is to help others.  If we can't help them, at least don't hurt them!"

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